Stop to say howdy to Curtis Rhyne

by Ron Rhyne
(Cora, WY)

Hi Everyone
I would like to let everyone know where Curtis and Anne are living now and ask that if anyone has time, to please stop in and say hello. He would love the company, as most of you know he has always liked to visit with friends. His eyesight is failing badly and his hearing is pretty bad but otherwise he is doing good. He misses the Park and would sure like to see old friends so if you have time please stop in and say hello.
Ron Rhyne

Curtis Rhyne
The Fountains
3205 N.15th
Apt. 205
Grand Jct. CO 81506

Phone# 242-1186

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Oct 29, 2011
by: Jessi Kruckenberg

I am so glad to have found this page for Glade Park! It's been awhile since I've seen any of the Rhynes but have often wondered. Now that i know where they are i will definitely stop in and say hello! By the way a big HELLO to Ron too! Thanks for the info! Jessi Kruckenberg

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